Saturday, April 16, 2022

Saturday Vigil - The Quiet in the Eye of the Storm of Activity

 For those Christian healers and mystics among us, this has been Holy Week. Today, though, is the most fascinating day of the whole week.

Yesterday, Good Friday saw the re-enactment of the crucifixion of Christ. The cross, while starkly literal, is also a picture. The horizontal bar is Christ walking among us in this world, the vertical bar is Christ's decent to Sheol and Ascension into Heaven. He is Lord of the Crossroads, Traveler and owner of all the worlds.
Today, though, is Saturday Vigil. Outwardly, Christ is dead in the tomb. But he is in the hidden, inner realms, alive and active, binding and loosing, helping and healing just like he did among us. ðŸ‘‰ As without, so within... Say the whole thing with me: As Above so Below, as Without, so Within. During this Vigil, Christ cannot be seen because He is within us, He is in our inner realms healing us, freeing us, protecting us... Loving us and empowering us.
Today is good for that kind of quiet mediation. For the corner of the Healer's Pyramid that counsels us "To Be Silent", in mind, body and soul. Yet still go about our work of cleaning, banishing darkness, healing and empowering - without acclaim, completely unseen. + + +